Create A List Of Named Ranges

Create A List Of Named Ranges

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Do you use named ranges?. Have you inherited a workbook that contains a lot of named ranges?. In this Excel video post let’s look at how to create a list of named ranges that are in an Excel workbook.

So, if you have a lot of named ranges in your Excel workbook, it can get complex keeping track of them. Or, if you have inherited a workbook, then knowing how the Excel solution works is key, especially if named ranges are used. To reduce complexity, create an extract of all of the named ranges.

It only takes a short few steps- if you know where to look.
To open the Name Manager dialogue box follow the steps below

*Formulas | Defined Names | Name Manager

Alternatively, if you just love a shortcut then press Ctrl+F3.

Look all you will, the Name Manager dialogue box does not give an obvious way to extract a list of named ranges. We need to use the PASTE LIST option button in the PASTE NAME dialogue box.

So we need to get to the Paste List button. To display the dialogue box follow the steps below

*Formulas | Defined Names | Use In Formula | Paste Name

Once again if you are mad for those shortcuts then just hit F3 and the Paste Name Dialog box appears. I suggest that you click the starting cell of where you want the list to be displayed BEFORE opening the Paste Name Dialog Box.

All you need to to do is press Paste List and all the details of the named ranges will be extracted. A nice trick isn’t it.?

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