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Welcome To Excel Power User!.

Hello I’m Barbara, thank you for taking the time to visit my website, let me take just a few minutes to tell you about what you may find here.

What is  Excel Power User About?.

Excel Power User is all about YOU, yes that’s right helping you be that power user you want to be, to become even more confident Excel and BI skill set.  I have used Excel for just over 20 years and admit to be somewhat of an addict, if you don’t believe me hop over to my How To Excel At Excel blog which I founded just over 7 years ago for sharing awesome Excel tips and tricks.   This space is here is all about the exploring and sharing the new found power that comes with Excel Power Query (Get & Transform), Power Pivot and Power BI.

How Will Excel Power User Help Me?

It’s simple.  I love to share data and Excel stuff.  I have working with BI tools for a number of years and love to find insights from data.  You can expect to fin the following on this website-

  • Easy to follow tutorials and tips on all things Power Excel and BI
  • Informative YouTube Videos
  • Example downloads to support examples used
  • A free Mailing List.  I usually share 1 post per week
  • Personal recommendations for the best Excel and BI resources

If you want to stay up to date and not miss any new articles, posts or updates then join my Mail List (no Spam!) below or to the right, so you don’t miss out on anything.  I post weekly or sometimes fortnightly, so your in box will not be overloaded.

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